Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Little Old Sprinkled with a Little New...

So after talking with a fellow blogger and someone whose opinion I value dearly (you know who you are!), I decided to switch up the blog a little bit. As almost 4 years of stuff is a lot to catch up on and to ensure that I stay current with pertinent hair stories, I have decided to write about my current hair stories, and where appropriate, mix in a little old hair stories.

Beginning Summer 2009 I decided to wear my straight. So I asked co-workers and friends for a salon that presses hair. I found a salon and began going to get my hair pressed every 2 weeks. My hair didn't always stay the straightest, even after I had been going for a few months and the humid summer months had passed. So after listening to a few other friends I decided to go to a Dominican salon, which are notoriously known for getting a sista's hair straight, no matter how tight her curl! :) But by the time I decided to go, I had stopped going to the salon to get my hair pressed and had started to do it myself. I figured it couldn't be that hard, and I had been doing a pretty good job of "touching up my roots" so far so actually doing my own hair shouldn't be a problem, right??? Yeah, I was wrong. For the most part I did a pretty good job, except my hair had broken off... :( I went to the Dominican salon, had a consultation with...I'll call her Luisa, and then made an appointment. At the first appointment, I got some treatment (I don't remember the name), got a hair chop, and voila! walked out of the salon. I did like how straight and shiny my hair was, and it looked like it was on the right track to being healthy again. In subsequent appointments I was satisfied and happy with the end results.

But I went a month without going to see Luisa. I made an appointment to see her this past Monday. All I can say is I will NEVER wait that long again to get my hair done. My hair didn't seem to retain moisture, the roots were a mess since I couldn't press them like I normally could when my hair was longer, and as she was doing my hair I jumped, squirmed, and wished I had a relaxer!! (Sidenote: My wishing for a relaxer is nothing new; that thought goes through my head at least 2-3 times a week.) Even the first time I went to her I wasn't as uncomfortable as I was sitting in that chair on Monday. But I was happy with the end result...straight hair. I've never really liked how stylists style my hair, so even though I didn't really like the style, it didn't matter because I had STRAIGHT hair!!! And my hair is still growing, so I consider that a big plus. Going through that experience made me realize that I will NEVER go that long without getting my hair done... at least until my hair grows a little longer and I can get to my roots myself! :)

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